Lord Loves

Whom the Lord Loves

Podcast: Download (81.3MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Sunday 05/10/20 Series: Do we REALLY believe? Message – Whom The Lord Loves Share this: Whom the Lord Loves Two weeks ago I returned to our lessons on entering into the fellowship of His sufferings, in our series “Do we REALLY believe?”. That message was entitled, “Owe only love“.  Of course last week we stepped back off our series for a time of needed comfort and reassurance of the things we know to be true at the loss of one of our own. This week we are getting back up on the horse so […]

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Owe Love

Owe only Love

Podcast: Download (97.3MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Sunday 04/26/20 Series: Do we REALLY believe? Message – Owe Only Love! Share this: Owe only Love! About 3 weeks ago we were looking at Christ being formed in us as we enter into the fellowship of His sufferings.  This lined up perfectly with Good Friday & Easter, and then last week we addressed our need to not be easily troubled about the signs of the times since we are just at the very beginning of troubles. In the passages we covered regarding the return of the Lord and the events which would lead […]

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Easily Troubled

Don’t be easily Troubled

Podcast: Download (101.3MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Sunday 04/19/20 Series: Do we REALLY believe? Message – Don’t be easily Troubled! Share this: Don’t be easily Troubled! Don’t be soon shaken! You know, sheep are very timid animals and super easily shaken..that is unless they are in the presence of a shepherd who they know is with them and with love watches over them. He IS their safe place – even when the wolf is on the prowl. But our Lord has told us to not fear – to not let our hearts be troubled – for we have not been given […]

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together with Him

…together with Him!

Podcast: Download (87.6MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Sunday 04/12/20 Series: Resurrection Sunday 2020 Message – …together with Him! Share this:   …together with Him! Happy Resurrection Sunday! Our Lord has proven man can live in perfect union with God. He was subjected to every weakness we have, tempted in every manner as we – yet maintained 100% unbroken devotion to God. His heart was without rebellion, in complete compliance with the Father. His flesh was without sin and His blood untainted by death. In surrender to the Father, having fought and won the hardest battle any man will ever endure in […]

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Fellowship Suffering

The Fellowship of His Sufferings

Podcast: Download (79.7MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Sunday 04/05/20 Palm Sunday 2020 Message – The Fellowship of His Sufferings Share this:   The Fellowship of His Sufferings This week we are talking about, The Fellowship of His Sufferings. [NOTE: For those who believe the Father did NOT forsake Jesus on the cross, please at least consider these proofs that He did in our article – My God, My God…you have forsaken Me?] You know VALUE is something which is both intrinsic or actual and assigned based upon it’s evaluated usefulness…and everything’s assigned value is calculated differently. Gold for example. Gold  has […]

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