Who are we?
Living Grace Fellowship [a.k.a. – Grace Life] is a group of believers in Jesus Christ who come from a variety of different social and religious backgrounds. We have no affiliation with any denomination, and our doctrine is exclusively drawn from the Bible.
We believe that the gifts and callings of God outlined in the New Testament are still in effect today and that growth into Christ’s likeness depends upon the each member being faithful stewards over the gifts they have received – ministering it to each other in love.
Our mission…
Our mission is what we believe SHOULD be the mission of every church. The various churches in the New Testament did not each have a unique “mission statement”. The mission of every early church was to grow and mature Christians into the image of Christ and equip them for the work of the ministry.
In our gatherings we focus on learning about and living out the purposes of God for His people as described in the scriptures. We do this through teaching, reading the scriptures, worship, discussion and even games from time to time.
We believe the job of pastors is to equip believers to be living testimonies to Christ’s saving power and to share the gospel with accuracy and clarity.
How are we different?
We differ from mainstream churches in many ways…
Perhaps the two greatest differences is that we do not actively seek new membership through advertising, nor do we encourage attendance from non-believers. We believe the church should grow organically by the direction of Christ, it’s true head, and that the church is an assembly of BELIEVERS – not unbelievers.
We believe that the ministry of the believer takes place OUTSIDE the physical walls of the local church and that all evangelical efforts are to be on the part of the attending believers…not the church. Sheep make sheep…Shepherds lead and feed.
We believe that in order to be effective, churches should maintain a healthy size, which – contrary to popular belief – has more to do with not growing too big, than being too small. By this we mean, that if the church grows so large that the individual members are not intimately known by their pastors nor the pastors by them, it can no longer function as a legitimate “sheepfold” (church).
Shepherds are to “know” their sheep…they are responsible and answerable to God for their spiritual development. This cannot be done if the pastors cannot have direct and relational contact with each and every member with regularity.
Also, in order to grow under a shepherd’s care, sheep must know and trust them. This implies a level of relationship which goes far beyond the traditional “modern” model of church.
Christianity is, at its core, a relationship with God and His people and we believe that a community of believers which has grown large enough to “disappear in” – has become a place for social enjoyment and activity – but not sustained and monitored spiritual growth.
How can we be contacted?
Well, my name is Mark Woodson and I am currently the only pastor at this church and you may feel free to contact me by phone or email.
My church number is (941) 681-0834
My church email address is mark @ livinggracefellowship .net
You may also simply click here – “Contact Us” and it will take you to our “Contact Us” page.
I am just one man, so if I miss your call, PLEASE leave a voice mail with contact information and I will get back to you immediately.
Thank you and God Bless!
~ Mark