04-29-12 Sunday Morning

Podcast: Download (61.3MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Freedom from/Freedom to: Freed to Love V.mp3 Stir it up! – PDF Why I don’t love – PDF Key Texts: Deut. 30:6 II Thess. 3:5 I Jn. 4  Other Scriptures concerning God’s love: Jer. 31:1-14 Isa. 43:1-13 Rom. 8:31-39 God’s all pervading love is at once comforting & unsettling! King David, arguably the most love-struck patriarch (other than perhaps John the beloved) in all of scripture, waxes poetic about the love of God and its necessity for a fulfilled and satisfied existence. He valued hearing God speaking of His unfailing love for David to […]

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04-25-12 Wednesday Night

Podcast: Download (3.9MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSSBeautiful Outlaw Epilogue: One Last Thought.mp3 Excerpt from Participant’s Guide: Surely you have noticed that we have entered a time of great suffering on the earth. And Jesus warned us about this. Before his death, his teaching turned very sober—nothing that would make a best seller in this world of “tell me how to make life work now.” How badly would you love a guide from God on “how to make life work”? Is there such a guide? Be very, very careful and pay attention to how you interpret your suffering. Don’t jump to conclusions. Interpretation is […]

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04-22-12 Sunday Morning

Podcast: Download (82.1MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Freedom from/Freedom to: Freed to Love IV.mp3 Stir it up! – PDF Key Texts: Deut. 30:6 II Thess. 3:5 I Jn. 4 Hosea 1-3; Hosea 11 This song is an example of a love-life with our God and Father. It is a far cry from the tired cliche’ “Christianity is not a religion, it’s a relationship”. Virtually everyone I know who has ever said those words (including me)  never lived it’s truth. It is not until the heart hears the Father proclaim His love regularly that we will ascend to the revelation of those words and […]

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04-18-12 Wednesday Night

Podcast: Download (43.7MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSSBeautiful Outlaw Chapter 17:  Letting His life fill yours.mp3 Excerpt from Participant’s Guide: If you were to choose one word to describe the movement of Jesus through his three stunning years of public action, what word would it be? The word I choose to describe Jesus is life. Pure, lush, exuberant Life. Life that proves to be unquenchable, unstoppable, indestructible. Now for a wonder of wonders—not only do you get Jesus, you get to live his life. Really. There seem to be two basic reactions when sincere folks encounter the beautiful, scandalous life of Jesus: I can’t […]

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