Store up treasure value

Storing up what you Treasure Pt. 1

Today we continued our teachings about pursuing the inward work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

We have so far studied loving the Lord our God with all we are, Fearing the Lord, Acknowledging Him and this week we are focused upon valuing and treasuring.

Now really we are looking at treasuring, but valuing is included in this concept. The English translations of the scriptures use the word treasure for several concepts, but in the scriptures we will be looking at today, the word treasure means to “store up”.

In the end, we store up what we immediately value.

Storing something up just because it possesses value isn’t enough. Storing it up because it has immediate value to YOU is another matter entirely and doing this evokes actions out of us which God rewards.

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Acknowledge Him

In all our ways… Acknowledge Him

This is nothing more than the next step or the “how to” if you will, of the last few previous messages on Loving the Lord our God and fearing Him.

Proverbs 3 encourages us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In ALL YOUR WAY Acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.”

The way we acknowledge God is very practical. It is no different than the way a married couple thinks on one another. In every arena of life – work, friendships, worship, purchases, where and what they eat… all of these are ways in which we know our spouce and deliberately make choices with THEM IN MIND.

In doing this there are certain things we leave behind when we get married, certain activities, certain habits and sometimes even certain friends because they are NOT conducive with the one we have chosen to live our lives with.

When we think on, defer to, honor and respect our spouces in the decisions we make we are ACHKNOWLEDGING THEM in all our ways and it is in this relational way in which we keep this command with our Father!

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Psalms Korah

Psalms of the sons of Korah

Out of these three Psalms 2 are known to be composed by the sons of Korah and the third is likely so.

The events these Psalms cover likely correspond, however loosely, to that portion of the reign of Hezekiah where he attempted to bribe Senecherib to forgot he conquoring of Judah, though its outlining cities had already been carried away captive.

In the end, through the promptings of Isaiah, Hezekiah repented and sought the Lord for deliverance which He graciously offered.

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