I John 1:9

1 John 1:9 What the Bible REALLY says

Does 1 John 1:9 address Christians who are in need of forgiveness or was it addressing  the lost? An article on 1 John 1:9, would, at one time, have been excessively brief, but truth always requires more explanation than lies, and with all the misinformation out there needing to be addressed – this article is MUCH longer than I would have liked. Let me begin by outlining a few simple facts that may keep many from having to read the entire article. 1 John chapter 1 NEVER tells anyone to come to Jesus by faith in His finished work – […]

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Sunday 02-06-11

      The Elders:  Because of the Angels.mp3      WARNING: Each of the lessons in this series are longer than normal due to the depth and accuracy needed to cover this subject. Average duration is 1.5 hours per recording. Our church went through an amazing transformation at the end of 2010. By the Lord’s direction, we switched from a solitary female Pastor led group to a all male elder led New Testament church. The change did not come easy! This is our story… In June of 2010, I (Pastor Mark) was infrequently attending a bible study in Sarasota, […]

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Sunday 01-30-11

      The Elders:  Male & Female.mp3      WARNING: Each of the lessons in this series are longer than normal due to the depth and accuracy needed to cover this subject. Average duration is 1.5 hours per recording. Our church went through an amazing transformation at the end of 2010. By the Lord’s direction, we switched from a solitary female Pastor led group to a all male elder led New Testament church. The change did not come easy! This is our story… In June of 2010, I (Pastor Mark) was infrequently attending a bible study in Sarasota, FL. […]

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Sunday 01-16-11

      The Elders:  Submission & Authority.mp3      WARNING: Each of the lessons in this series are longer than normal due to the depth and accuracy needed to cover this subject. Average duration is 1.5 hours per recording. Our church went through an amazing transformation at the end of 2010. By the Lord’s direction, we switched from a solitary female Pastor led group to a all male elder led New Testament church. The change did not come easy! This is our story… In June of 2010, I (Pastor Mark) was infrequently attending a bible study in Sarasota, FL. […]

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Docetism and Gnosticism in the New Testament

I do not enjoy writing about false doctrines, but I suspect that neither did Paul. Nevertheless, any serious reader of the New Testament cannot side-step the fact that Paul, Peter, John & James spent much of their letters addressing issues of  false doctrines and the need for spirit-led teachers, grounded in the Word teaching sound doctrine. So with that in mind… I am addressing both Docetism and Gnosticism predominately because I refer to it in another article addressing I Jn. 1:9 & the believer. So I thought that rather than turning THAT study into two studies, I should write this […]

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