
Athaliah – Queen of Judah

Podcast: Download (175.7MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Wednesday 02/10/21  Series: Thru the Bible Message – Athaliah – Queen of Judah ***Video is HERE*** Share this: The Kings during Elisha’s Ministry Pt. 1 Scriptures covered: 2Kings 11; 2Chron. 22:10-23:15 Last week we ended with 2 Chronicle’s account of the death of Ahaziah King of Judah.  Now remember, we are dealing with a divided Israel with two kings. One king ruled over Judah and Benjamin – and that king is generally called the King of Judah. Then the other King is generally referred to as the King of Israel because he reigned over […]

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Elisha Kings

The Kings during Elisha’s Ministry Pt. 1

Podcast: Download ()Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Wednesday 02/03/21  Series: Thru the Bible Message – The Kings during Elisha’s Ministry Pt. 1 ***Video is HERE*** Share this: The Kings during Elisha’s Ministry Pt. 1 Scriptures covered: 2Kings 4-7 During our last session we examined some of the ministry of Elisha. One of the lives he touched who had also touched his, was a Shunammite woman, who with her husband’s consent, had provided for Elisha and his servant by making and keeping ready a room for them. As you no doubt remember, her son passed away and the Lord used Elisha to […]

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The lesson of Elisha: God Provides

Podcast: Download (185.6MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Wednesday 01/20/21  Series: Thru the Bible Message – The lesson of Elisha: God Provides ***Video is HERE*** Share this: Elisha the Prophet Scriptures covered: 2Kings 4-7 Hopefully in these passages you will see foreshadows of thoughts, actions and events in the lives of Jesus and the apostles. I love that the scriptures offer us the history of some of God’s people throughout the years. I also love to see the influence they had on Jesus and the apostles. Even our Lord was meek and lowly and open to learn from others. Here we have […]

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Elijah Elisha

Elijah’s Mantle, Elisha’s Anointing

Podcast: Download (129.6MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Wednesday 01/13/21  Series: Thru the Bible Message – Elijah’s Mantle, Elisha’s Anointing ***Video is HERE*** Share this: Elijah’s Mantle, Elisha’s Anointing Scriptures covered: 2Kings 2-3 2Kings 2:1-25,  “(1) The time had come for the LORD to take Elijah up to heaven in a whirlwind. Elijah and Elisha were traveling from Gilgal,  (2)  and Elijah said to Elisha, “Stay here; the LORD is sending me on to Bethel.”  But Elisha replied, “As the LORD lives and as you yourself live, I will not leave you.”  So they went down to Bethel.   (3)  Then the sons […]

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King Jehoshaphat …is my Obedience from Conviction or Passion?

Podcast: Download (99.1MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Wednesday 01/06/21  Series: Thru the Bible Message – King Jehoshaphat …is my Obedience fromConviction or Passion? ***Video is HERE*** Share this: King Jehoshaphat …is my Obedience fromConviction or Passion? Scriptures covered: 2Chron. 19-20; 1Kings 22:41-53; 2Kings 1 Well it’s good to be back to our trek ‘Thru the Bible’. I don’t know about you but I have truly been enjoying this. The way we have approached this has allowed me to take my time reading through these books. It has afforded me opportunities to see things and address questions which I had not in […]

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