Easter 2024

You cannot rise, if you have not died

Our belief in Jesus’ death and resurrection is based upon the fulfilled prophecies of the Old Testament and the eye-witness accounts of those who saw Him after His resurrection.

His resurrection impacts us when we enter into His death with Him.

There are three deaths and three resurrections – spirit, soul and body and they cannot be experienced in any other order.

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Enthrone Kingdom Palm Sunday

Enthrone the King Whose kingdom is the heart

As I have often taught on Palm Sunday the so-called ‘Triumphant Entry’ of Jesus into Jerusalem was anything but! They preconceived ideas and selfish-ambitions blinded them to Messiah and they missed their day of Visitation.

This year we’ve focused more on NOT repeated their mistakes by honoring Jesus as our Messiah, God & King through sincere love OF Him, a deep and abiding reverence FOR Him, unwavering trust IN Him followed by absolute obedience TO Him!

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Harmony Spirit

The Harmony between our spirit and the Holy Spirit

The Harmony between our spirit and the Holy Spirit

Series: In Pursuit of Relational Knowledge

Learning how to become sensitive to the inward promptings of the Holy Spirit is imperative for muturing in Christ. He leads us into godliness and away from godlessness, to obedinece and away from sin, towards conformity to God’s will in our lives and away from aimless wandering.

In this message we learn our lessons form Paul, who illustrate simple ways this is accomplished in our daily life in his letter to the Christians in Rome.

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