Remain Vine Branch

Remain in Me

Series: In Pursuit of Relational Knowledge

The good heart has attributes the others lack and that makes it a heart which will produce fruit.

• It understands the message of the kingdom.
• It sees the deep value of knowing Jesus in true intimacy and surrenders to that union within His kingdom.

Because of the value this heart places on Jesus, satan seeks to desuade this heart from it’s loyalty through persecution, temptation and being hated even by those they love.

This has a COMPLETELY NON-RELIGIOUS response. This heart, instead of growing distant and cold, draws all the closer to Jesus during times of opposition and it is due to the love and value of Him that they endure.

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Good Heart Parable

The Good Heart

Series: In Pursuit of Relational Knowledge

Parable of the Heart Soils

What makes the ‘Good heart’… good?

First, it is incline to understand the message of the kingdom – that it requires surrender to the King of the Kingdom and that for now all who belong to the Kingdom of God will suffer persecution, temptation and hatred.

God offers the Good Heart this understanding because BEFORE the message of the kingdom was planted there it was already worshipping God to the degree that it understood how (consider Cornelius and Lydia).

The other primary attribute of this heart is that even though it knew the cost of entering the kingdom it welcomed the message, clung to the king of the kingdom and through patient endurance it produced the fruit of conformity to Jesus’ likeness over time.

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Wayside heart Parable

The Wayside Heart

Series: In Pursuit of Relational Knowledge

Parable of the Heart Soils

Today’s lesson is focused upon the first of the 4 hearts in Jesus’ parable of the heart soils and that is the Wayside Heart. This is also correctly termed the Pathway heart, the heart of ignorance and the hardened heart.

We addressed all that Jesus said about this heart from Matthew, Mark & Luke, comparing them as we took note of what was distinctive of this heart in both the parable and in Jesus’ later explanation of the parable to His disciples.

We discovered that there are at least two different types of hard hearts though they both share a common cause or root. One can be helped and the other must change first before it COULD be helped. The religious leaders of Jesus’ day often fell into the worst type of hardened heart, while even His Own disciples often fell into the other.

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Think God

Thinking on God

Series: In Pursuit of Relational Knowledge

Last week we focused on God’s command to remember Him and the things He has done, in order to keep our hearts from growing cold and unresponsive to Him.

This week we are taking a more simple approach – thinking on God.

Sounds simple enough, but we need examples and God has supplies many.

Some of the greatest lovers and pursuers of God have left us with their thoughts as they considered God in their lives. These we take as examples of pathways along which to guide our thoughts since these are people God Himself made special note of.

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Commanded to Remember

Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:34:08 — 164.1MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Sunday 06/25/23 Message: Commanded to Remember ***Video is HERE*** Share this:    Commanded to Remember Today we are looking at remembering. As you may recall, at least two passages we have frequented since the first of the year encourage us to remember or warn against forgetting. 2Peter 1:8-14, “(8) For if these things are really yours and are continually increasing, they will keep you from becoming ineffective and unproductive in your pursuit of knowing our Lord Jesus Christ more intimately.  (9)  But concerning the one who lacks such things – he […]

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