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Up until now – Faith, Hope & Love (a Review) Pt. 4.mp3
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Key Texts:
- Gal. 5:13
- Deut. 30:6
- II Thess. 3:5
- I Jn. 4:16, 19
The shepherds thought it was a good idea to do a review of everything covered since January of this year. Six months is a relatively short passage of time, yet in that time we have covered MUCH ground.
We began this week remembering why we started this series of Freedom from / Freedom to, by visiting Gal. 5:13. We recalled that because the Lord has been romancing our hearts in this church back to Himself and reuniting us with the freedoms we have been given – we must be diligent to not allow our freedoms to be an excuse for loose or lazy living. Our freedoms have been afforded us – in order to free us to LOVE. That is, that we might Love the Lord or God with ALL of our hearts and to love our siblings in Christ with equal fervency.
Then we began reviewing our final section of teachings on this series which is Love…
We began here with our two key texts for this section which are…
- Deut. 30:6
- II Thess. 3:5
We began to look at I Jn. 4:19 which reveals that we love God BECAUSE He first has loved us. As we have discovered, the FACT that God HAS loved EVERYONE who has EVER come into the world – does not make the grade all by itself. In order for this to have effect in our personal world, we must ‘know and believe’ the love God has for us.
We began to cover how our own personal beliefs about ourselves, our personal worth and value tend to flow naturally from events in our lives – things we’ve done or things which have happened to us. This of course is the must unnatural approach to living for the child of God. It IS natural for the world. Furthermore it is sadly the most common experience of the Christian, but our lives should not be patterned after the ways of the world. What is natural for the world IS and SHOULD APPEAR the most UNNATURAL thing in the world for a Christian. Their thinking and ways should be completely foreign to our common beliefs and experiences. We are IN the world – but not OF the world. It’s ways are not our ways and it’s thoughts are not our thoughts for we are born of God and have overcome the world. Our minds are united with God and we have His thoughts, purposes and pursuits within us! We have His mind!