Wednesday 07/31/19
Series: Thru the Bible
Message – How well do you know the Holy Spirit
Podcast: Download (20.0MB)
Thinking it through – Worksheet
How well do you know the Holy Spirit
This past Sunday I handed out the above worksheet to facilitate deeper thought and involvement in the lessons I have begun to teach about our “helper from Heaven”.
As I mentioned on Sunday, Jesus’ final words to His disciples and by extension the future church, was about the Holy Spirit. This is true both before He was placed on trail and crucified as well as after His resurrection just before His ascension. This should speak volumes to us. Is it any wonder that the church knows so little about the Holy Spirit. There is either TOO much focus on the gifts the Spirit which “appear” flashy and eye-catching or there is an almost outright denial in His workings in the church at all following the apostolic age. Extremes are a human proclivity and it doesn’t change when one comes to Christ. What we are attempting to do here is encourage an ongoing awareness of the Spirit’s presence and willing ability to give us aid and strength without turning Him into a circus show for our juvenile entertainment. He needs to be acknowledged and drawn upon, honored and NOT grieved and if done in proper balance this will only heighten our awareness and knowledge of Jesus and the Father – not take from it.
So tonight with very little intro or wrap-up thoughts (which are on the recording) I had everyone divide up into groups of four to talk through these primer questions which are intended to stir up thought, awareness and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit Who has been given to us – out helper, friend and most trusted confidant in the Christian life which is all about forming Christ in us and furthering His reign in the hearts of men.
I encourage you to take the time to download or open the questionnaire in your browser and work through it. This was not written in a way as to illicit “right or wrong” answers, but to facilitate thought and to help us all see where we are in our relationship and interactions with this most valuable person of the Godhead given to us from Christ Jesus Himself.
I hope this message will bless you richly…not because I taught it, but because it reveals Christ. He alone is our blessing and if in any way – whether big or small, 100% accurate or even just partially so – I have revealed our great God and Savior to you in a relationally knowable way, then this was time well spent on both our parts.
We at Living Grace Fellowship encourage you to place your trust in Jesus Christ, deliberately choosing Him and bowing the knee to Him as your Master and Lord, so as to come to realize Him as your Savior.
You have a special place in God’s family & kingdom. The fact that you exist… that you are His creation, says you were in His heart, you are His delight!
If you do not know Him, please reach out to us. Give us a call at the number located on every page of this website or use our ‘Contact Us‘ page. We would be deeply honored, if you gave us the privilege of introducing you to the Lord. Neither money nor attendance at our church will EVER be mentioned.
If you HAVE been spiritually fed by this ministry and WANT to give, we truly appreciate that and you may do so here, but please understand that all the outreaches of this ministry are FREE for you and anyone to enjoy at no cost.