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Sunday 01/26/25
Title: Knowing & living sound doctrine
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Knowing & living sound doctrine
Last week as we turned back to 2 Timothy chapter 2 we spent nearly the entire service in a short theologically imperative which Paul passed on to Timothy that Timothy might in turn teach the saints in Ephesus.
We determined that this statement was written in a type of poetic or rhythmic structure to make it easier to recite and remember.
The contents of these brief statements serve as the foundation and underscoring stability of every Christian Life.
- That if you truly come to Jesus in relational Trust then you have also entered into his death with him confessing him as your lord and through baptism symbolizing that you and your old life have died and you have now risen to New Life in him. This statement conveyed a deeper meaning than a surface reading can provide. In brief it means your confession of Jesus as Lord only has meaning if you are devoted to him and choose to live a life of surrender and obedience to him. You cannot be United to Christ and live as the world – that is impossible!
- The next phrase simply addresses that it is devotion to Christ which produces a life lived by Him, with Him and through Him and which overcomes the world. This is very much a restating of the first phrase but it ends with the very promise of the new birth and that is that “if we overcome we will reign with Him”.
- The next phrase simply says that if we deny Him He will deny us. We explored this phrase and came to see that the denying does not have to be verbal though it will nearly always take that form eventually. The denial can also be a life lived which results in no fruit resulting from your union with Jesus. These are said to profess to know Him but it works they deny Him.
- The final phrase is intended to solidify the reliability of these truths in that they are based upon the unchangeable character of God. God is faithful and cannot deny His nature therefore what He has promised, He will perform.
In the very next verse Timothy is told to remind all of the believers and Ephesus of these things. To charge them BEFORE GOD ALMIGHTY not to fight about words because it is unprofitable and can literally lead to the shipwrecking of their faith.
Now this point MUST be important! Not only is it stated 3 times in this chapter alone, but Paul’s charge to Timothy was to in turn CHARGE the believers in Ephesus BEFORE GOD!
This is tantamount to having them take a pledge with their hands on the bible!
The Spirit’s instruction through Paul regarding arguments was to STOP IT!
Stop fighting and walk straight!
Stop fighting with others and instead turn your efforts towards being diligent regarding your own walk!
The closing thoughts Paul gives in this chapter we read last week, but we had little time to really cover them. So this week we will focus on these instructions.
After all, they address the very reason we started studying 2 Timothy in the first place.
Paul begins with a statement which gives gravity to all that follows…
“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, A WORKER who does not need to be ashamed.”
So all that Paul is about to address -if lived out- enables believers to live in just this way.
As for our study on becoming empowered living testimonies this instruction is of primary importance!
“(15) Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who doesn’t need to be ashamed, correctly teaching the word of truth.”
Okay, first thoughts include the fact that unless positive, purposeful action is taken, we will NOT live lives which meet with God’s approval and therefore will bring shame upon us.
Also, we are referred to as workers! THAT’S IMPORTANT!!!
Finally, the meaning of “correctly teaching the Word” does not mean teaching per se, though it can. What it literally means is handling God’s word skillfully and correctly.
This can be done through a life lived before the world as well as in what we share with others regarding the testimony of Christ within us.
It also SHOULD mean teaching if you are in a position TO teach.
- Parents with children.
- Fathers with growing sons.
- Mothers with maturing daughters.
- Among other believers and for whom it is appropriate in the assemblies.
The heart of this statement can be see in Psalm 119:80 which says,
“Let my heart be blameless regarding Your statutes, that I may not be ashamed.”
But we will circle back to this later…
“(16) But avoid irreverent, empty speech, for this will produce an even greater measure of godlessness. (17) And their word will spread like gangrene, among whom are Hymenaeus and Philetus.
(18) They have deviated from the truth, SAYING that the resurrection has already taken place, and are overturning the faith of some.
(19) Nevertheless, God’s solid foundation stands firm, having this inscription:
“The Lord knows those who are His”, and “Everyone who names the name of the Lord must turn away from unrighteousness”.
(20) Now in a large house there are not only gold and silver bowls, but also those of wood and earthenware, some for special use, some for ordinary.
“(21) So if anyone purifies himself from these things, he will be a special instrument, set apart, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work.”
Now that last statement is QUITE the claim!
The wording is interesting in that it bears a striking resemblance to what Paul says only a few paragraphs later regarding the purpose and power of God’s word.
He says that God’s word – all of it – is
“inspired and profitable for DOCTRINE, for REPROOF, for CORRECTION, for INSTRUCTION IN RIGHTEOUSNESS – so that the godly person may mature and be completely equipped for every good work.” – in 2 Timothy 3:16 & 17
Now we will spend more time with this passage in chapter 3. I am only mentioning it now because it helps to clarify the meaning of verse 21 we just read.
Again the specific passage in verse 21 is the conclusion of an overarching point Paul was driving at which began back in verse 14.
The development of the thought is this –
Don’t forget the basics:
- If you are Christ’s then you have died with Him and through reliance upon the power of His inward working you are to confess Him before the world beginning with a life lived in obedience and reverence to Him.
- Don’t let arguments derail you from these basics.
- Instead you do you! (which is a popular phrase anymore, but Paul meant it quite differently). He meant – You be diligent about your own stewardship before God. You be careful to not set aside God’s grace so as to present yourself to God approved!
- This is very similar in heart to “judge yourself that you may not be judged.” Live your life ever presenting your thoughts, desires, pursuits and actions before God so as to live a life He approves of.
Now the two things which are specifically mentioned towards that objective is…
- Being a worker – a proven worker. This is a person who is busy in the work of the kingdom (i.e. – a “worker” who has no basis for being ashamed).
- Correctly handle the word of God – presenting it to others without deviating from the truth. The method of presenting it before others could be how you live, what you share or what you teach.
The literal idea being conveyed here regarding correctly handling the Word is – “cutting a straight path”.
This is consistent with scriptures throughout the Bible. Prayers for the Lord to make our paths straight are not lacking in scripture.
Isaiah 42:16 says, “I will bring the blind by a way they did not know; I will lead them in paths they have not known. I will make darkness light before them, And crooked places straight. These things I will do for them, and not forsake them.”
Matthew, Mark and Luke all have John the Baptist’s preaching and baptizing ministry as being “THE VOICE OF ONE CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS: ‘PREPARE THE WAY OF THE LORD; MAKE HIS PATHS STRAIGHT.’ ”
Hebrew 12:13 in addressing those who need to respond properly to God’s chastening says, “and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be dislocated, but rather be healed.”
The obvious idea here is a straight path as opposed to one that is crooked or twisted. Meaning it is the right way to go!
Now the second encouragement is to be “a worker who has no reason to be ashamed”. The shame is associated with failing to live the word of God in a clear and straightforward manner that is consistent with sound doctrine.
That this doctrine is found in God’s holy and inspired word is made clear in our passage from chapter 3.
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for…”
So we know what TO DO, but as we continue we are also told what NOT TO DO.
We are NOT to engage in profane chatter.
What does that mean? All sorts of things spring to mind and probably they are all correct to some degree. However it does have a specific meaning here!
Without getting bogged down in the Greek the idea is this – not to participate in speech or discussions which are senseless, wicked and devoid of spiritual meaning.
This would be speech that does not reflect the character of God and does not bear fruit – it is empty talk.
Jesus addressed an expression of this once by saying that we will be held accountable for every “idle word”.
Then Paul points out a real life example of such words AS WELL AS pointing out the believers who were guilty of it.
For those of you with egg shell toes, let that sink in.
Paul set forth as public examples of ‘profane chatter’ – people known by the Ephesian church. Not only that, God not only inspired this He also incorporated it into scripture to be the instruction to the church for the rest of time! And this is NOT the only example of this in scripture. Far from it!!
You see these Ephesians were being taught by two men named Hymenaueus and Philetus that the resurrection had already occurred (this lie had also spread to the saints in Thessalonica which Paul addressed in his letters to them).
This was having the effect of undermining the power and authority of some people’s faith.
Paul said that these two (along with Alexander the coppersmith) had deviated from the truth by saying these things.
In Paul’s first letter to Timothy, he said he had turned them over to satan for the destruction of their flesh so that they might learn not to blaspheme.
This is not referring to the Blaspheme of the Holy Spirit because the purpose of turning a brother in the faith over to satan is that they might learn and repent.
This “blasphemy” most likely represented these men’s teachings undermining the reputation and teachings of Paul – perhaps even slandering him.
Paul reassures Timothy by telling him that the solid foundation of the faith remains possessing these “proofs of authenticity” –
- “God knows those who belong to Him” AND
- “everyone who confesses Jesus as Lord should turn away from injustice.”
Then Paul tells Timothy (never lose sight that this whole book is a letter to Timothy who in turn conveyed these truths to the church in Ephesus)
Anyway, Paul tells Timothy that even in wealthy homes there are two general types of vessels.
- Those for honor which are made of precious materials and…
- Those for base use which are more commonly made of wood or clay. (These ignoble vessels were probably for refuse).
The instruction being that if one desires to be a vessel which is set apart for honorable use by the Master and “prepared for every good work“ we need to purge ourselves of teachings and actions which are not true and therefore not “straightforward” regarding the Word of God.
According to this passage and the one in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, the power and purpose of God’s inspired word is to make us approved vessels of honor fit for kingdom work.
So you can see how this fits with our overarching topic of being empowered testimonies unto Christ.
You can also readily see how terribly important sound doctrine is!
Then Paul adds further instructions. These are things which will help us stay on the right path and make us fit for kingdom use.
That is what we are going to learn about next week.