Binding & Loosening

Binding & Loosening

…afflicted by the devil or demon). Scriptural Defining of the terms: The words bind and loose are used in both literal and in cultural ways in the Bible and that…

I believe

Do I REALLY believe?

…learned about the meaning and nature of our church gatherings -that they have and serve a real and valuable purpose which cannot be supplanted or replaced by “Bible study” or…

Knowing living doctrine Paul Timothy

Knowing & living sound doctrine

the bible! The Spirit’s instruction through Paul regarding arguments was to STOP IT! Stop fighting and walk straight! Stop fighting with others and instead turn your efforts towards being diligent…

Sunday 05-19-13

…two otherwise unknown people in the bible which according to “the unwritten teaching of the Jews” by Theodoret, were the two magicians who opposed Moses with their magic, matching his…