Nailed Cross

Nailed to His cross

Paul stresses the need for ongoing Faith to the Colossian believers, as well as the need to stay established in the truth.

Both Jews and Essense were influencing this church to consider the aesetic practices of neglect of the body and observance of the externals of the ceremonial Law of the Old Testament for righteousness.

Paul explains that such things have been removed out the way and nailed to the cross with Jesus our Messiah.

In this message we also address the misunderstanding of Paul’s words regarding obeserving sabbath days. This he clearly meant in relation to the other laws he listed which were all celemonial and exterior in nature. ALL Feast days had associated sabbath rests which were in no way related to the Sabbath day declared Holy by God on the 7th day of Creation and the 4th commandment of the Law.

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Laying Hold Mystery

Laying Hold of the Mystery of Christ in Us

In the letter of Paul to the Colossian believers, he stresses the importance of being found well pleasing to God.

That pleasure is directly connected to the mystery God has kept hidden in Christ from before time began. It is the mystery of Christ in us!

As Michael Card so clearly stated in his song, Live this Mystery “The Mystery of life in Christ, is that Christ can live in you!”

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God Justice Authority

God, Justice & Delegated Authority

God gave permission to satan to attack Job due to an accusation against Job’s character and godly fear. This permission included all Job possessed.

Last week we examined how that could have included his adult children. This week we are examining how this could have affected his servants who also lost their lives.

At the end we just introduce the beginning of chapter 2 and Job’s second trial.

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Teach Will

Teach me to do Your will

God’s children are in His family and so bear His name. The precious Holy Spirit impresses upon the sensitive heart the weight of that name. It is holy and worthy of all our reverence for it represents Him… but so do we!

With this in view it is so very important to train our hearts to seek God not only for His power, but His character changing presence.

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Job trial

Job’s trials begin

As Job’s trials begin we see that the target of accusation is really God.

In this message we begin to uncover some of the basics regarding the suffering of the godly. We also address the issue of Job’s children dying and its connection with Job.

This discussion touches on the topics of authority, what we think we know about satan and demons, temptation and the nature of the coflict between satan and God.

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