Paul James Law Grace

Do James and Paul disagree?

This is a topic which has become near and dear to my heart, first as a seeker and lover of the truths of the scriptures and secondly as a pastor. I have met MANY believers who have nearly been shipwrecked in their faith or have fallen into serious error due to misunderstanding what Paul and James were actually saying. Some of this is due to “little-to-no” actual studying of the passages in question. Other times it is due to bringing to a study, preconceived ideas which blind us to what is actually being taught. Taken together with these two problems […]

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Believing for a “Good Report”

This is a phrase which is far more pervasive in Word of Faith circles than in others, but regardless of who uses it, this statement is at its core misleading and sometimes very dangerous. The idea behind the phrase as I have been exposed to it is this… If in your life you find yourself in the midst of some uncertainty, you might say, “Well, I’m just believing for a good report”. Meaning that, you are believing that whatever is uncertain will turn out for good. Now this is where things get someone subjective. What do we mean by “good”? […]

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Is the Law fulfilled FOR us or IN us? (The Believer’s relationship to the Law)

This is a topic which has taken on a life of its own in recent years. Paul addresses the relationship between the believer and the Law throughout his writings and yet may are still confused about where the New Testament comes down on the subject. It is a fact, that most people do not take the time to study the Bible but instead tend to gravitate towards things they have heard someone else say is in the Word. This inevitably leads to partial or total misquotations. In addition to this, many develop a theology based upon subjective experiences, rationalizations developed […]

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One can put a thousand to flight…?

This article is just one within a body of articles categorized as “Right & Wrong Thinking”… In this “episode” of Right & Wrong Thinking I will address the phrase… “If one can put a thousand to flight then two can put ten thousand to flight” This is often misquoted in charismatic, Full Gospel or Word of Faith circles as a colloquialism to “stand in agreement” with another person against the devil. Sometimes it is also used in conjunction with another misunderstanding in scripture of attempting to “bind” the devil from a person or event. I know many who have used […]

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Faith: Tool or Relationship

Faith – Buzzword of Christianesse Other than Grace, Faith is perhaps the most misused and misunderstood word in the Christian vernacular. In its common usage throughout scripture, and especially the New Testament, it simply means full, relational trust in someone. Though “relational” is not technically part of the definition, it is part of the process! Trust is a relational term at its core, but when it is used in the realm of the “religious” it often becomes a work and is therefore NOT relational. AS such it becomes a merit badge rather than a proof of intimacy. This is especially true when […]

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