Ezekiel temple

The temple revealed to Ezekiel Part 2

Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:17:32 — 110.4MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Wednesday 05/03/23  Series: Thru the Bible Message: The temple revealed to Ezekiel Pt. 2 ***Video is HERE*** Share this:   The temple revealed to Ezekiel Part 2 Ezekiel 43:1-27,  “(1) He led me to the gate, the one that faces east,  (2)  and I saw the glory of the God of Israel coming from the east. His voice sounded like the roar of mighty waters, and the earth shone with His glory.   Whether this has immediate significance to this text or not, way back in the 11th chapter of Ezekiel, the […]

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Spirit reveal

As the Spirit reveals Him

Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:03:34 — 87.6MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Sunday 04/30/23 Message: As the Spirit reveals Him ***Video is HERE*** Share this:    As the Spirit reveals Him Last week we started looking at Ephesians in our ongoing study of pursuing a deeper and growing intimate, relational knowing of Jesus our Lord.  What we know so far is that – in coming to know Jesus in this way we: Begin to be transformed into His image Our events of suffering increase to oppose this happening God allows this suffering, because if we are unwilling to suffer to know Him more […]

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Ezekiel temple

The temple revealed to Ezekiel

Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:35:11 — 131.3MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Wednesday 04/26/23  Series: Thru the Bible Message: The temple revealed to Ezekiel ***Video is HERE*** Share this:   Ezekiel, prophesy to the land Now before we get into the rest of this book I need to lay down a decent backdrop for it. The rest of the book of Ezekiel seems to be focused upon God’s future plans for Israel and that is where the difficulty begins in interpreting the remainder of this book. These following chapters speak of a temple – a new temple which does not conform to the […]

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Existing to the Praise of God’s Glory

Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:14:36 — 103.7MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Sunday 04/23/23 Message: Existing to the Praise of God’s Glory ***Video is HERE*** Share this:    Existing to the Praise of God’s Glory We are turning to Ephesians today in our study of what it means to pursue a deeper and growing intimate, relational knowing of Jesus our Lord.  In the past few weeks we’ve seen the connection it has with our development into His likeness. How our revelations of Christ increases our times of suffering, since the enemy makes all who are pursing a deeper relational knowing of Jesus a […]

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Suffer Glory

Four steps to Glory…

Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:23:28 — 109.4MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Sunday 04/16/23 Message: Four steps to Glory… ***Video is HERE*** Share this:    Four steps to Glory… Before Palm Sunday we were in Romans 8 and had left off with, “(16)  The Spirit Himself testifies together with our spirit that we are God’s children,  (17)  and if children, also heirs–heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ–seeing that we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him.” We recognized that the suffering we were called to endure is to die to the demands of our lower interests.  Galatians […]

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