God Prayers

Praying God centered Prayers

One of the reocurring themes we see throughout the Old Testament and the Pslams in particular are the way the Isrealites prayed God centered prayers. There were of course, needs expressed and requests made, but a great deal of the time the REASON and MOTIVE behind the prayer was the character and the Great Name of God.

Phrases like, “For the sake of Your great name…” do this or that. The request was there, but the purpose of its fulfillment was God’s agenda on the earth.

Jesus also prayed this way – You kingdom come, Your will be done. Oh if we were learn to decentralize ourselves from our prayers and make God and His kingdom the central focus of our petitions, we would find ourselves in a position like the great patriarchs of old to recieve answers.

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David Prayers

Thus ends the prayers of King David, son of Jesse

Tonight we ended Book II of Psalms which largely contains prayers of David and events during hislifetime.

We also began Book III which is almost immediately obvious because the tone and topics change from personal deliverances to cries for national deliverance.

Psalms 73-89 were composed during the time between David’s life and the post exile period of silence which span 400 years. During this time northern Israel went into Assyrian captivity followed by the Babylonian captivity of all of Israel.

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Unrighteousness darkens mind

Unrighteousness suppresses truth and darkens the mind

In this teaching we take a look at both sides of the coin.

What makes a person in right standing with God is thinking His thoughts which includes accepting His Word and trusting in it.

Thinking and meditating upon God’s word is a major component of transformation into Christ’s likeness. I begins with thinking His thoughts which steers our lives towards walking in His ways.

The same is true for those who think on what is ungodly.

What we set our minds upon, sets the coarse of our words and ways.

The reason for this study is to discover things we can do ON PURPOSE, to fascilitate the inward work of the Holy Spirit, conforming us to the image of Christ. To be deliberate in our cooperating with His work rather than making His job more difficult. In the end, we are looking to honor Christ and allow His kingdom to take up its rule within us.

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