Paul Timothy Disciples

Go and make Disciples!

From encouragements to stand strong, to strong warnings and even stronger commands – Paul instructs Timothy about the sobering nature of life in Christ.

The world is on a path leading to destruction and they will grow worse afflicting and infecting the church with their deceptions.

Paul reminds Timothy of the personal nature of the grass roots of his faith and that of the believers in Ephesus. He then commissions him to disciple them with the view of those too going out and making more disciples by the message they live and teach.

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Seek God Paul Timothy Ephesians

Seeking not just the Word, but the One Who inspired it!

Paul knew of the difficulties in Ephesus because the church was structured so that the pastors (elders) and Timothy had hands on exposure to every believer.

Due to Paul & Timothy these believers became solid in doctrine.

Year later the Lord praised them for their doctrinal stability, but warned them of their lack of passion in His letters to the churches in Revelation.

This is always a danger – people either over emphasis scripture or overemphasize encounters wth God – when what makes for long term stability and growth is BOTH!

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Praise Kindness remember

Praise the Lord and remember all His kindness!

This set of Psalms starts off with one of the most famous Psalms / passages in the Bible – a psalm of thanksgiving and instructions on how to approach the Lord our God.

We move on through psalms of which talk of God’s justice and loving kindness stirring desires for personal integrity in believers.

Then to trust in difficult situations with expectation of God’s intervention.

A Psalm calling for praise and a recalling of all the acts of kindness God has shown.

Finally a psalm which reveals the power of God over His creation. Also His wisdom which proves true even when “man’s wisdom” claims they know better.

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Knowing living doctrine Paul Timothy

Knowing & living sound doctrine

Knowing & Living Sound Doctrine

Series: Lessons from Paul to Timothy

Paul’s encouragement to Timothy was also to be Timothy’s instruction for the saints in Ephesus.

These are very practical truths but they are also foundational – meaning, without them the entire structure of our faith cannot stand!

According to Paul, our ability to present ourselves before God as approved and bear no shame directly springs out of embodying these truths. First among which inclides being established in, living out and able to share with others SOUND DOCTRINE!

Paul clearly states (as does Jesus Himself) that anything we do, think or converse about which is not in some way connected to sound doctrine – the living or spreading of it is empty talk for which we will be judged.


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