Job Tree

Job aruges, “If only I were a tree…”

It is revealed in these chapters that Job has moved from hurt, to confused, to frustrated only to arive now at anger. Even his words to and about God are spoken with the flash of anger in his eyes according to Eliphaz.

One can hardly blame Job OR his friends for that matter. They simply have no context for what is happening. So for now, an ongoing blame game is the basis and content of all their arguments.

A good take away from these chapters is that silence is golden and words spoken without understanding nearly always lead to sin.

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Job Zophar

When solid doctrine meets bad application

We finally hear from Job’s thrid friend Zophar. While a little more cutting and derisive than his other two friends the pattern of advice remains the same.

All three friends LARGELY offer theologically sound counsel to Job IF, as Job and they all believe, these afflictions were due to judgment. However, Job’s trials are due to a satanic attack against Job’s devotion, reverence and trust in God.

Job at this point has lowered all forms of decorum and is freely speaking his mind against God and man. He believe’s he is righteous and that God is judging him unjustly. Job also is responding to his friend with greater pride and defensiveness.

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Job Crosses Bildad

Job crosses the line… Well, several actually

By chapter 7 Job has come to the point in his calamities where he is reconsidering the nature of God.

The lines Job begins to cross are in thinging that even if he had sinned and repented, God would simply plunge him back into the mire of guilt since He is determined to destroy him. He believes that God protects the wicked and punishes the innocent and that God literally laughs and takes pleasure in the adversities of the blameless.

Making matters FAR worse is that Job keeps wishing for an audience with God to present his case, as if God cannot hear him and as if he could not just do so at any time in prayer.

Bildad is the friend who addresses Job in these chapters. He steps in and offers very solid counsel. However, like their friend Eliphaz, he comes to wrong conclusions because of he believes Job’s troubles are due to unconfessed and un-repudiated sin.

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Din Silence Intertestamental

The Din of Silence Part 4

Thru the Bible: The Intertestamental Period

In this lesson we discover the formation and definition of the following sects among the Jews going into the 1st century A.D.

• The Hasmoneans
• The Sadducees
• The Pharisees
• The Zealots
• The Essenes

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