Zechariah horses spirits

Messengers of Judgment, War & Restoration

Thru the Bible: Zechariah 6

Zechariah is shown 4 spirits who are before God’s throne. They go out as 4 horses into the earth, apparently as witnesses and messengers. They “patrol” places in the earth where they are sent with the job of accomplishing God’s directives and reporting back to God.

Two are sent to the north and one to the south with no mention of the fourth.

The black horse probably was there to confirm the accusations of the tryany of Babylon against Israel when they were captives there. The white horse represented God’s judgment in rising up and sending Cyrus the Great to conquer Babylon JUST as He prophecied through Isaiah 200 years before Cyrus was even born. [See – https://grace-life.org/2022/06/cyrus-the-great-deliverer-of-israel/]

Following this vision, Zechariah was told to take up an offering from certain exiles who had returned from Babylon and make a crown for Joshua the High Priest who was a type of Christ. He is even referred to as ‘The Branch’.

This crown was to be set aside for a future High Priest and King who would come when Israel had fully obey the LORD their God with all their hearts.

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Zechariah Spirit

Not by might or power but by My Spirit says the Lord

Thru the Bible: Zechariah 4-5

Zerubbabel is the one being spoken about in the vision and he was of primary importance in God’s plans for Israel.

The mountain set before Zerubabbel is almost certainly the overwhelming task of completing the temple but God encouraged him with this now famous phrase, “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord.”

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Zechariah heart

Zechariah & Haggai tag team Israel towards heart change

Thru the Bible: Zechariah 1-3

Like Haggai, Zechariah is dealing with the post-Babylonian Jews in Jerusalem.

Their efforts to rebuild the temple got halted just after the death of Cyrus the Great and was not permitted to continue until the reign of Darius I. This was an unknown gap of time lasting no more than 8 years.

During this time the few Jews who returned to Judah, had been establishing themselves – building houses, rejuvenating wells, planting crops, processing harvests… in general, just getting on with the business of life.

Once Darius I came into power and decreed that the work should continue the response of Israel was somewhat lacking. However, when Haggai prophecied to them, they immediately began enthusiastic work on the temple.

Literally just 2 months later is when the events in this book of Zechariah began.

Zechariah means “Yahweh remembers” and God did indeed remember His covenant with them recorded in Deuteronomy 28-30 and was making certain to encourage these people that He WILL keep His promises.

Through Zechariah God offers Israel hope!

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Haggai jogs memories & rekindles devotion in Judah

Thru the Bible: Haggai

Haggai is one of two prophets in particular who were used of God to help steer the Jewish returnee’s from Babylonian exile to devotion to God. He understood judgment in a way which the Jewish people did not. God is merciful and kind in His judgments, but sometimes His people need an actual human voice to hear, rather than scripture to remember.

The players in this book are familiar to us from Ezra, Nehemiah, Ezekiel…etc. Of note were Haggai, Zerubbabel the governor, Joshua the priest and King Darius I all in the time period including the end of the 6th century B.C..

These people had returned to Judah with the stated intention of helping to rebuilt the Temple by the order and permission of Cyrus the Great. However, upon returning to their former estates, they got so caught up in restoring their homes and lives that they forgot the temple. THAT is the primary focus of Haggai’s prophecies.

The lineage of Jesus through Zerubbabel is also a major contribution to our understanding how Jesus was able to be the fulfillment of continuing David’s reign, after Jeconiah’s progeny had been denied future access by God through the prophet Jeremiah.

This is a very small but pivotal book!

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Warfare spiritual

By Request: Spiritual Warfare

By Request: Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual warfare is anything which challenges the advancement of God’s rule in our HEARTs.

It is only out of ignorance or laziness that we blame all our hindrances on the devil. This is no more than a sidestepping of the real issue. We do not long for and pursue intimacy with our God and THAT is our greatest enemy.

You need to hear this – NOTHING, AND I DO MEAN NOTHING, challenges the advancement of the rule of God in our hearts more than indifference!

This is why our Master made much of love!

In this lesson we cover what the New Testament tells us about satan and demons, demon possession, demonic oppression and what scripture both tells us to do and demonstrates that Jesus and the early church did in response to the devil.

I hope this teaching will serve to destroy lies, refocus attention on what the scriptures actually say and empower lives lived in honor of our Only God and Father to Whom literally belongs ALL POWER and AUTHORITY FOREVER!

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