The Ministry of the Holy Spirit XI

Sunday 04/06/14 Topic: Review: The Ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Life of Christ II   Series – The Ministry of the Holy Spirit XI.mp3 Click here to watch the video.   Key Text:   Rom. 8:13-18 Luke 4:14-18 Matt. 12:9-28 Mark 9:14-27 Jn. 15:26 Jn. 3:34-36 Jn. 7:37-39 Jn. 20:19-22 Acts 1:1-8 Partnership in Ministry This week we continued in our series on the Ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Life of Christ. …etc.     The Ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Life of Christ II We encourage you…give it a listen!

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Why Blood?

Podcast: Download (Duration: 57:13 — 26.2MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Topic: Why Blood? NOTE: This article was originally posted on the ‘Under his Influence” Radio Show web page, in connection with a broadcast about the necessity of Christ’s blood in our redemption. Here, I (Mark) have expanded and acclimated it for use on this website. The link above is the original recording of the radio show aired on 03-29-14. To go to the recording of that podcast of the show, simply click on the link above. Part of our view of the necessity of blood in general (and Christ’s blood specifically) is […]

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Victory in Christ

Sunday 03/23/14 Topic: What is Victory in Christ?   Series – What is Victory in Christ.mp3 Click here to watch the video.   Victory in Christ This morning I was all prepared to teach the second segment of the teaching of the Ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Life of Christ, but God had other plans. In worship, as we sang the song below, the Lord dropped in my heart another message about victory in the Christian life and specifically concerning temptation and sin. So I taught on Victory in Christ! Satan is not interested in you or your […]

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The Ministry of the Holy Spirit X

Sunday 03/16/14 Topic: Review: The Ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Life of Christ I   Series – The Ministry of the Holy Spirit X.mp3 Click here to watch the video.   Key Text:   Matt.1:20 Matt. 3:13-17 John 1:32,33 (Jn. 14:14-16) Matt. 4:1 James 1:13 Matt. 6:13 Luke 4:14-18-19 Partnership in Ministry We began a new phase in our study of the ministry of the Holy Spirit as it was active in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. We touched on several things today, but one point we spend some time with was, when the scriptures clearly state […]

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The Ministry of the Holy Spirit IX

Sunday 02/16/14 Topic: Review: Co-partnership in His Sufferings VII   Series – The Ministry of the Holy Spirit IX.mp3 Click here to watch the video.   Key Text:   1 Peter 3:8-12 1 Cor. 8:1-13 Rom. 14:1-23 Partnership in sufferings To begin with we went back over 1 Peter 3:8-12 which we ended with last week. We did this because this verse as translated in the English, has the unfortunate effect of making us think it is all about us. Let’s look at it, “Now finally, all of you should be like-minded and sympathetic, should love believers, and be compassionate and humble, […]

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