04-08-12 Sunday Morning

Podcast: Download (9.6MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Freedom from/Freedom to: Freed to Love II.mp3 Stir it up! – PDF [mediaplayer src=’https://www.grace-life.org/Video/Easter.wmv’ width=480 height=320 ] Key Texts: II Thess. 3:5 Deut. 30:6 I Jn. 4 Other Texts: Leah – not unloved (Gen. 29:31) Hagar – not invisible (Gen. 16:3-13) Ruth – not abandoned or forgotten (kinsmen redeemer) Canaanite women – not unnoticed or unimportant This week we began our trek into the Love of God. I feel wholly in adequate as a minister or even a son of God to communicate these truths, but here we are as a result of God’s […]

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04-04-12 Wednesday Night

Podcast: Download (17.2MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSSBeautiful Outlaw Chapter 16:  Letting Jesus be Himself Encounters.mp3 Excerpt from Participant’s Guide: We should expect to encounter Jesus anytime, anywhere, everywhere. Such a simple and profound thought. Anytime? Anywhere? Everywhere? What does this truth stir up in you? Hope? Joy? Comfort? Fear? Anxiety? Be open to the ways Jesus wants to come to you. Don’t insist it be in exactly the way he comes to someone else. This artist is infi nitely creative. Don’t let someone else’s remarkable encounter with Jesus diminish the beauty of what you know of him. Hold fast to the treasures you […]

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Dichotomy Trichotomy

Dichotomy & Trichotomy

Dichotomy or Trichotomy… what people are made of For PDF of this article click – HERE If approached purely from a humanistic point of view, mankind is typically seen as nothing more than a physical, material beast. One, as it were, with the universe in which they dwell. This is called “monism” and in most religious circles it is rejected as completely materialistic (which of course it is). Most commonly, in the religious world, there are two additional views – that of humans being as a two part being or a three part being. These two views are known as […]

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04-01-12 Sunday Morning

Podcast: Download (101.4MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Freedom from/Freedom to: End of Freed to Believe V / Intro into Freed to Love.mp3 Stir it up! – PDF Key Texts: N/A Other Texts: Matt. 15:24-28 I Jn. 5:1-5 I Jn. 4:16   I explained the difficulty I experienced in allowing God to love me. It was the single, hardest thing I have ever done in my life – and there are NO close seconds. The fear of letting go and letting God speak to my value and love me had no rivals which even came close. It terrified me to the core […]

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