Sunday 01-27-13 Part I

Podcast: Download (23.6MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS     And He Healed them all: Kingdom Minded Faith I.mp3  Key Text: James 4:1-6 Matt. 4:23-25   Overview: This morning we had a long service in which we began our topic of ‘Kingdom Minded Faith‘. Due to it’s length however, I’ve divided up into two 1 hour segments. In this first segment we began with an illustration of the doting, jealous and pursuing love the Father has for us. The amount of joy and satisfaction He receives from our placing the whole of our relational trust and confidence firmly in His noble heart. Knowing […]

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Wednesday 01-23-13

Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:19:16 — 33.3MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS         And He Healed them all: Ears to Hear.mp3 Stir it up! – PDF Key Text: II Samuel 12:1-24 I Kings 14:1-13, 17 John 9:1-3 John 6   Overview: To begin with we revisited one of the questions which was addressed on Sunday morning, “Do some things just happen? If parents loose a baby during delivery, is that the fault of the parents or does it sometimes just happen?” This is a touchy question, but one that deserves the light of scripture to shine upon it and address some very […]

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Sunday 01-20-13

Podcast: Download (35.9MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS               And He Healed them all: (Unfortunately this file was lost) Stir it up! – PDF Key Text: Rom 9:30-33 Rom. 10:1-21 I Peter 1:1-9 III Jn. 2  Heb. 4:1-13 Heb. 3:16-19   Overview: This morning we had some very good Q & A time. Many questions ultimately found there answers in faith… when does it come, how does it come, does it ever fail to come…etc. While not every question was specifically addressed, many were and others will be covered in future sessions. The later part of our time […]

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Wednesday 01-16-13

Podcast: Download (35.9MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS         And He Healed them all: The Word is Near Me I.mp3  Stir it up! – PDF Key Text: Rom 9:30-33 Rom. 10:1-21 Heb. 1:1 Heb. 2:1 Heb. 3:1-19 Heb. 12   Overview: We took our time tonight to work through our response to “the word is near us”~ Rom. 10:13 Hebrews 1-3 & chapter 12 tell us that Israel’s response to God’s voice was drawing back through fear. It also tells us that Moses’ response was drawing near, even though he was afraid. “Indeed, the sight was so terrifying that Moses said, “I […]

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Sunday 01-13-13

Podcast: Download (44.4MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS         And He Healed them all: Did they not Hear?.mp3  Key Text: James 1:5-7 Rom. 9:30-33 Rom. 10:1-21   Overview: We began to look at how real faith comes. Remember that faith is not “worked up” it isn’t “conjured up” – it comes! All genuine faith results from an encounter with the author of Faith – Jesus Christ! NOT just through initial salvation, but concerning the specific area of life we need Him to reveal Himself to us about today! He is Jehovah Rapha – but that fact does you NO […]

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