07-08-12 Sunday Main

Podcast: Download (40.1MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Freedom from/Freedom to: Up until now – Faith, Hope & Love (a Review).mp3 Stir it up! – PDF Key Texts: Gal. 5:13 I Cor. 13:13 Rom. 15:13 I Peter 1:8,9 Matt. 6:10 Heb. 11:1 Eph. 2:3 Heb. 6:17-20 Rom. 5:2 James 1:18 Overview: The shepherds thought it was a good idea to do a review of everything covered since January of this year. Six months is a relatively short passage of time, yet in that time we have covered MUCH ground. So we thought it good to “stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance” […]

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06-24-12 Sunday Main

Podcast: Download (22.0MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Freedom from/Freedom to: Freed to Love XI.mp3 Stir it up! – PDF Key Texts: Deut. 30:6 II Thess. 3:5 Matthew 9:27-29 Matthew 15:22-28 Matthew 20:30-34 Phil. 2:25-30 Luke 13:1-9 Review: There were many people who were sick in our congregation this week and so I approached our next step in “knowing and believing” the love that God has for us, from the direction of receiving healing. Up to this point we have established that typically, the following progression is the “typical pattern” most fall into prior to ever knowing and believing the love of God for them. Some […]

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06-17-12 Sunday Main

Podcast: Download (49.8MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Freedom from/Freedom to: Freed to Love X.mp3 Stir it up! – N/A Key Texts: Deut. 30:6 II Thess. 3:5 Phil. 3:3-21 2 Cor. 12:1-10 Review: By using the three “lost” parables jesus was illustratng the various dynamics of our relationship with the Father. There is a way in which God seeks for us, finds us and assumes His complete and total ownership of us – the lost coin. There is a way in which He seeks us out, and carries us home on His own authority, bonding with us as only our true shepherd can. […]

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06-10-12 Sunday Main

Podcast: Download (42.6MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Freedom from/Freedom to: Freed to Love IX.mp3 Stir it up! – N/A Key Texts: Deut. 30:6 II Thess. 3:5 Phil. 3:3-21 2 Cor. 12:1-10 Review: This week reviewed a lot, re-establishing the truths we’ve uncovered up to this point from the three parables of the lost sheep, lost coin & lost son. There is much relational truth in these passages. Who we think we are and who we think our father is – are unveiled in these verses. Thank God though, that the story does not end there – it goes on to describe who […]

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