
Zeal for Your house has consumed Me

Many of these Psalms are prophetic in nature and point to Messiah either in His earthly ministry or in His Millennial Kingdom.

Several quotes and scenarios from Jesus and His life crop up in these Psalms which are recorded in the Gospels.

All of this shows the complexity of the Psalms which, like the Prophets, often reveal an immediate fulfillment and application as well as a future Messianic one.

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Transforming Word

The Transforming Power of God’s Word

In our learning how best to cooperate with the inner working of the precious Spirit of God Who has been given us, we turn our attention towards the power of God’s word.

Unlike mankind, God does not lie. Therefore anything God says is not only the truth, but also is the truth about Him. He speaks out of the abundance of His heart. According to Jesus the words of God are both spirit and life. They contain the power to transform our lives into the image of Christ as the Spirit reveals the Word of God to us. The Spirit Himself takes the logos of God’s word and breathes life into it as He reveals it to us making logos – rhema.

Line upon line, precpet upon precept, here a little there a little – we are transformed into the image if Christ which is unveiled to us in His word by the Holy Spirit of God!

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God Pour Heart Refuge

Pour out your heart… God is our Refuge

We as humans were not made for theology, religious practices or even morality for moralty’s sake. We were created for intimacy in relationship. In the midst of this are all of the above, but they spring out of intimacy, admiration, love and devotion to God – they were never intended to replace it.

It is therefore no wonder at all that while reverence and loyalty are in fact primary in our union with God – there are times we need the understanding and comfort of a father and friend.

This passage not only affirms this as a genuine need, but we are unashamedly invited to come and pour out our hearts to Almighty God, Who also is our Father and friend, if we are devoted to Him in trust and obedience.

“Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts before Him. God is our refuge. Selah” ~ Psalm 62:8

Thank you Father for loving us SO MUCH!

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Jesus Finish Line

The Finish Line

For the believer – Jesus is everything. He IS the reward, both inwardly as His image is perfected in us and ourwardly in that He IS our Prize!

“And I gasped, When I saw you fall
In his arms at the finish line” – Steve Taylor, “The Finish Line” – album Squint.

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Edomite Aramean

When an Edomite is a Aramean

These psalms are interesting. They do in fact teach us about God, covenant with Him, that He is faithful and true… but it also introduces some opportunities to better understand the scriptures as a whole and some interesting challenges in investigating how a descendant of Abram could be an Aramean.

Interesting stuff.

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