Psalms Book 1

Psalms Book I: Psalms 1-5

The first two Psalms 1 & 2 serve as a type of prelude to the entire first book… even the entire book of Psalms itself.

Pslams 1 focus’ on the importance and power of the God’s word in a humble and obedient heart.

Psalm 2 is all about God’s sovereignty and specifically Jesus’ future Millennial reign.

Psalm 3 is about self-imposed tradgedy and the immutability of God’s calls and His faithfulness to those who submit to Him in trust.

Psalm 4 centers in on God’s faithfulnes to hear us when we pray. Our need to hold Him in dep reverence and the joy that comes from face-to-face encounters with God.

Finally center stage in Psalm 5 is the righteousness God imputes to His Own and how His ear is open to their cry. God will not hold the proud, the wicked or liars guiltless. It concludes with a call to rejoice in God’s delieverance of the godly.

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Psalms Overview Structure

The Book of Psalms – Overview & Structure

The book of Psalms is like a Bible within a Bible.

It was divided into 5 books by the ancient Hebraic community, has several authors and spans over 500 years of Israel’s history.

It has a structure which capitalizes on primary themes, speaks of the fall of man, the earthly kingdoms of Israel, the exile/post-exile periods and promises the everlasting Kingdom of Messiah.

It tells its stories through recounting Jewish history & personal times of defeat and triumph.

It is an intensely personal and relatable composite of songs/poems which has essentially served as the hymnal of the Jewish and Christian communities for thousands of years!

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