Elect election predestination

Free-willed vessels of Honor Part 2

This is part two in a three part mini-series regarding who the “elect” are and what is the “election” process. This includes other words in scripture such as foreknowledge, preordained, predestined, called and chosen as well as others I am sure.

The purpose of this mini-series is to clarify what the scriptures say about predestination and the free will of the individual regarding grace, salvation and eternal life.

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Pilgrim Korah Psalm 84

The Pilgrim’s Progress

Psalm 83 is unique in that it is the last of the “Elohist” psalms -w chi are psalms which make predominate use of Elohim as God’s name. It is also the final known composition of Asaph in this books of Psalms and is almost certainly a prediction which is still yet to come since all of the conditions have never yet been met.

Psalm 84 is a beautiful and fantasticly written psalm from the sons of Korah. As imagry based examples it utilizes the 3 Jewish pilgrim feasts as a pattern for the life journey of all God’s committed covenant people. The analogies equally fit and are relevant to both those who were under old covenant in Judaism and those under the New in Christianity.

Finally chapter 85 is a 4 part psalm which begins with recalling God’s faithfulness to unfaithful Israel in past generations.

It then rhetorically asks if God will forget to be merciful to the unfaithful generation at hand.

It then moves into a declaration of faith and hope in God being true to His merciful nature and the writers commitment to surrender obedience in faith to Him.

It ends with a prediction of God’s amazing kindness which will be realized in the Millennial Kingdom.

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Vessels honor

Free-willed vessels of Honor

Is the heavenly election rigged?

As we were going through 2 Timothy chapter 2 in our main series, we came upon the words of Paul in verses 8-10 which speak of “the elect” obtaining salvation.

As a pastor it is part of my job to teach sound doctrine and there are two diametrically opposed yet prominent views about election in Christian circles.

So I thought it prudent to stop and address this issue of the election of the elect before we moved on in our parent series.

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Message manger

The Message in the Manger

The Father loves to reveal Jesus to us through feasts & festivals, stories, metaphor, names and plays on words.

God’s first lesson to Israel was of the manna. It was to teach than mankind needs more than natural bread to thrive. We need the bread of God’s words spoken to us.

Jesus was the final word God spoke over his creation and He was the only word we needed.

Jesus was born in Bethlehem, the house of bread. In a teaching that caused nearly all who followed Him to walk away, Jesus called Himself the true bread from heaven. That His body was bread and His blood drink in which was the eternal life God sent Jesus to bring and be.

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Eloheem human judge

When Eloheem refers to a human judge

Psalms 81 and 82 are both Psalms which require a little study to fully understand what Asaph was saying. This isn’t to say that you cannot be blessed without that specific knowledge, but you will NOT get out of it what the Spirit intended through its inspiration.

This is part of studying to show yourself approved as a good workman.

In Psalm 81 Asaph uses events surrounding the exodus of Israel from Egypt to teach a lesson to his generation who are repeating the sins of their forefathers.

Psalm 82 is actually rather straightforward, once you get clarification on the meaning of the word Eloheem which is often mistranslated.

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