Today we learn more about possessing a testimony the Spirit of God CAN empower by having a walk worthy of the One Who called us out of darkness!
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Thus ends the prayers of King David, son of Jesse
Tonight we ended Book II of Psalms which largely contains prayers of David and events during hislifetime.
We also began Book III which is almost immediately obvious because the tone and topics change from personal deliverances to cries for national deliverance.
Psalms 73-89 were composed during the time between David’s life and the post exile period of silence which span 400 years. During this time northern Israel went into Assyrian captivity followed by the Babylonian captivity of all of Israel.
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Many of these Psalms are prophetic in nature and point to Messiah either in His earthly ministry or in His Millennial Kingdom.
Several quotes and scenarios from Jesus and His life crop up in these Psalms which are recorded in the Gospels.
All of this shows the complexity of the Psalms which, like the Prophets, often reveal an immediate fulfillment and application as well as a future Messianic one.
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