Sunday 08/17/14 Topic: What Co-Partnership Looks Like Pt. 3 Series – The Ministry of the Holy Spirit XXI.mp3 Click here to watch the video. Key Texts Co-partnership with the Holy Spirit We’ve We will soon be video taping our services so that there will actually be a person to watch as the message is being played as a video…just give us a few weeks to iron out the details. Also, you can pray for me (Mark) because doing real video footage is going to eat up A LOT more of my time every week, so I need to approach it […]
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Wednesday 08/13/14 Topic: The love you had at first Series – Loving Abba, Loving God II.mp3 Key Texts I hope you will enjoy the rest of this teaching and as a result be better equipped to co-partner with the Spirit in the work of the ministry! We encourage you…give it a listen!
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