Sunday 07-07-13

      And He Healed them all: Freedom in Christ.mp3   Key Text: Gal 5:1-18   This Sunday was a joint service between A Grace Place and Living Grace Fellowship where Pastors Dave Geisler & Mark Woodson discussed the freedoms we have in Christ and what that means using Galatians 5:1-18 as their key text. Above is the audio only version and below is the video version.    

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Healing and the Fear of the Lord I

Wednesday 07/03/13 Topic: The Fear of the Lord & Healing   Series – And He Healed them all: The Fear of the Lord and Health I.mp3    Key Text: Prov. 3:7-8 Deut. 10:12-18 Ps. 34 Ps. 110:10 Prov. 9:10 Prov. 15:33 Prov. 1:7   The Fear of the Lord and Healing… In this last set of sessions we will be learning about the Fear of the Lord. We are doing this because the scriptures are clear in many places that in the fear of the Lord there is heath and healing. So rather than talking about HOW the Fear of […]

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Believing for a “Good Report”

This is a phrase which is far more pervasive in Word of Faith circles than in others, but regardless of who uses it, this statement is at its core misleading and sometimes very dangerous. The idea behind the phrase as I have been exposed to it is this… If in your life you find yourself in the midst of some uncertainty, you might say, “Well, I’m just believing for a good report”. Meaning that, you are believing that whatever is uncertain will turn out for good. Now this is where things get someone subjective. What do we mean by “good”? […]

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Is the Law fulfilled FOR us or IN us? (The Believer’s relationship to the Law)

This is a topic which has taken on a life of its own in recent years. Paul addresses the relationship between the believer and the Law throughout his writings and yet may are still confused about where the New Testament comes down on the subject. It is a fact, that most people do not take the time to study the Bible but instead tend to gravitate towards things they have heard someone else say is in the Word. This inevitably leads to partial or total misquotations. In addition to this, many develop a theology based upon subjective experiences, rationalizations developed […]

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The Link between Holiness & Healing XIII

Wednesday 06/26/13 Topic: The Fear of the Lord & Healing   Series – And He Healed them all: The Link between Holiness & Healing XIII.mp3    Key Text: Rev. 2 Working through Revelation 2… This is our second session in which we broke into small groups and outlined the second chapter of Revelation. The groups discussed tho things Jesus said to the churches, comparing similarities and differences. The brief recording only reflects the brief time we assembled before and after these small groups. One of the things which was brought up in this session was the “tolerance” of the church […]

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