Dichotomy Trichotomy

Dichotomy or Trichotomy – What people are made of

Dichotomy or Trichotomy… what people are made of For PDF of this article click – HERE If approached purely from a humanistic point of view, mankind is typically seen as nothing more than a physical, material beast. One, as it were, with the universe in which they dwell. This is called “monism” and in most religious circles it is rejected as completely materialistic (which of course it is). Most commonly, in the religious world, there are two additional views – that of humans being as a two part being or a three part being. These two views are known as […]

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Did Jesus abolish the Law?

Did Jesus abolish the law?   Wednesday 05/28/14 Topic: Did Jesus Abolish the Law? – a look at Eph. 2:11-17 Tonight Mark & Dave started to cover verses 15 & 16 in Ephesians 2. These are very important verses in that they are widely misunderstood. These verses if left to stand alone leave the impression that the law in it’s entirety has been completely destroyed and removed from any relation to the believer….and yet, Paul uses direct quotes from the Old Testament at least 107 times in his letters, using the Old Testament scriptures as the basis for New Covenant theology and […]

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The Ministry of the Holy Spirit XIII

  Sunday 05/18/14 Topic: Review: The Spirit within / the Spirit upon II   Series – The Ministry of the Holy Spirit XIII.mp3 Click here to watch the video.   Key Texts: Mark 1:4-8; Acts 1:1; Acts 8:5-24; James 4; Acts 10:44; Acts 11:7; Acts 19:1-7 The Spirit within / the Spirit upon The ministry of the Holy Spirit which He began in the life and person of Christ is still going on today through His church. “I wrote the first narrative, Theophilus, about all that Jesus BEGAN to do and teach…” ~ Acts 1:1 Though the specifics of Jesus’ calling were unique to […]

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The Ministry of the Holy Spirit XII

Sunday 05/11/14 Topic: Review: The Spirit within / the Spirit upon I   Series – The Ministry of the Holy Spirit XII.mp3 Click here to watch the video.   Key Text:  John 14-16   The Spirit within / the Spirit upon Below is a summery of what we covered… He is the Comforter He is the guarantee or down payment of our salvation (God is lavish in His gifts) He is called the spirit of truth and He is the One Who reveals truth (a.k.a. – Jesus) Jesus said, “If you love me – I’ll manifest myself to you”. If you want […]

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