Wednesday 03-20-13

Podcast: Download (30.7MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS        And He Healed them all: Examples of Healing X.mp3    Key Text: John 4:46-54 John 5:1-49 Hebrews 13:4-6   Overview: We had more discussion tonight than normal which is always good. The examples of healing we covered were… The nobleman’s child in Cana of Galilee, where Jesus did His first miracle. The man by the pool of Bethesda who’d been sick for 38 years and whose healing required forgiveness of sin. The rest of our time we spent discussing what Jesus said to the crowds following the healing of this last man. The […]

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Sunday 03-17-13

Podcast: Download (30.7MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS    And He Healed them all: The Healing Ministry of Jesus IX.mp3    Key Text: Psalm 62 Luke 13:10-14 Luke 14:1-6 Luke 16:14-17 Matt. 11:12-19 Luke 17:11-19    Overview: We began this morning with a stop of encouragement by reading through Ps. 62 and it wound up setting the pace for the rest of the message. We focused on the Glory God receives when those who meet Him place the whole of their relational trust in Him as the answer to their need. This is tricky to say in English because we are so attuned […]

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Wednesday 03-13-13

Podcast: Download (29.2MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS        And He Healed them all: Examples of Healing VIII.mp3    Key Text: Luke 8:41-56 Luke 9:1-17 Luke 9:37-42   Jesus was touchable! Which means Jesus IS touchable! By touchable, I mean He is able to be approached with confidence and safety. Let me help you submerge into the reality of our beginning passage by helping you read your Bible  without your religious, superficially “holy” filters on – so you can really see. Hypothetical: Okay, you and a friend are at a concert of a particularly famous person and where positioned immediately near the stage, having […]

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Sunday 03-10-13

Podcast: Download (34.4MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS    And He Healed them all: The Healing Ministry of Jesus VII.mp3    Key Text: Luke 7:11-23 Luke 7:36-50 Luke 8:1-3 Luke 8:26-40    Overview: At this point we are seeing many reaffirmations of lessons we have learned over the course of the past 2 months. Among those are.. God (through Jesus) sees you and is aware of you and is moved with compassion towards you. YOU ARE NOT INVISIBLE TO GOD! That Jesus reaffirms and strengthens wavering faith. We need to come to Him, not wait for Him to come to us. Even those […]

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Wednesday 03-06-13

Podcast: Download (10.0MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS    And He Healed them all: The Healing Ministry of Jesus VI.mp3   Key Text: Mark 10:46-52 Luke 4:31-44 Luke 5:12-32 Luke 6:6-11  Overview: A thought I used tonight to illustrate that healing is the will of God in His Kingdom is that once mankind let the rule of God and placed themselves under the rule of satan – sickness, disease, affliction, lack and death came as the result. So if in your life and body there are indications of the “other kingdom or indications of your former lord, then you are not as you were […]

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