The Fear of the Lord & The Ministry of the Holy Spirit

Wednesday 10/30/13 Topic: The Ministry of the Holy Spirit   Series – The Fear of the Lord: The Ministry of the Holy Spirit.mp3   Key Text: Rom. 12:1-10 2 Peter 1:16 John 14 The Ministry of the Holy Spirit… We began by looking at Romans 12 because of Paul’s definition of worship by way of explanation in verse 1. Here Paul defines worship as a mode of life – a life-lived passionately honoring God. I therefore offered the definition…”Worship in a believer is a life style which communicates “I adore you Lord”. Paul then He went on to show the […]

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Why do bad things happen to good people?

It’s the age old question… “If God is good and if God is love, why do bad things happen to good people?” I’d like to say…good question! In fact, if I’m honest with myself, MUCH of my past theology was centered around solving this question without me even really being fully aware of it at the time. I believe it’s a normal thought which at some time or another occurs to anyone in today’s world who believes in God or would like to but who are also being honest with themselves concerning life and the world around them. The question […]

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The Fear of the Lord and our Worship

Wednesday 10/23/13 Topic: The Fear of the Lord & Healing   Series – And He Healed them all: The Fear of the Lord and our Worship.mp3   Key Text: 2 Peter 1:1-14 Heb. 6:1-7 John 15:1-11 The Fear of the Lord and our Worship… Tonight we deviated off of our normal course and we may not return. We may be done for now with our series on healing. But tonight we took a look at our lives of worship. Worship is a form of the Fear of the Lord in that it means to hold in reverence. Beginning in 2 Peter […]

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