Wednesday 08/21/13 Topic: The Fear of the Lord & Healing Series – And He Healed them all: The Fear of the Lord and Health IX.mp3 Key Text: Prov. 3:7-8 Prov. 4:20-27 The Fear of the Lord and Healing… At the beginning of the message I emphasized the phrase “Fear the LORD and depart from evil”. As I did so I felt led to explain that the evil we are to depart from is the evil we are aware of – not that of which we have no understanding. Meaning, one is not held accountable for what one does […]
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Sunday 08/18/13 Topic: The Fear of the Lord & Healing Series – And He Healed them all: The Fear of the Lord and Health VIII.mp3 Key Text: Prov. 3:7-8 Psa. 103:17-22 Psa. 25:1-17 The Fear of the Lord and Healing… A few teachings ago I made the statement that healing does NOT negate the aging of our bodies and that the scriptures are clear on the fact that even now in the New Covenant, death is still residing in our bodies -Rom. 8:10 and that our bodies are in a constant state of present decay – 2 Cor. […]
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Wednesday 08/14/13 Topic: The Fear of the Lord & Healing Series – And He Healed them all: The Fear of the Lord and Health VII.mp3 Key Text: Prov. 3:7-8 Prov. 34 Ps. 103:4 Psa. 24:1-17 The Fear of the Lord and Healing… Tonight we went back through Psa. 34 revisiting our “teaching” from David on the Fear of the Lord, “Come my children and I will teach you the fear of the Lord.” Then David baits the class – he gives them a reason for listening – “Who wants long life that they may see good?” What is […]
Continue reading→Sunday 08-11-13
Hearing God’s Voice: Listening to God with Ears to Hear III.mp3 Key Text: We have begun a new series on the subject of Hearing God entitled, “Hearing God’s Voice”. Pastor Rob George co-pastors our church along with myself and Jim Montgomery, both of which have been part of this ministry for many years. Rob will add content to this posting as he finds time in his schedule. For more, listen to the audio by clicking the above link.
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Wednesday 08/07/13 Topic: The Fear of the Lord & Healing Series – And He Healed them all: The Fear of the Lord and Health VI.mp3 Key Text: Prov. 3:7-8 Prov. 16:1-3 The Fear of the Lord and Healing… Okay on the onset let me correct myself, one of my opening statement was that healing does NOT negate the aging of our bodies and that the scriptures are clear on the fact that even now in the New Covenant, death is still residing in our bodies -Rom. 8:10 and that our bodies are in a constant state of […]
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