My God, My God

Psalms 21-22

Dying spiritually – which is to be separated from the Father – was the death Adam and Eve died IN THE DAY they rebelled in the Garden. Their spiritual connection to the Father was severed!

The prophet Isaiah clearly says that the Father laid upon Jesus the iniquity of us all. That it PLEASED the Father to crush Him, when He made Jesus’ very soul an offering for sin. That it was when the Father knew the travail of Jesus’ soul which was poured out unto DEATH that He was satisfied that the price had been paid.

The word “iniquity” in Isaiah 53:6 is the Hebrew word עוֹן (‛āwōn). It is a masculine noun meaning iniquity, guilt AND PUNISHMENT.

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Spirit within upon

The Spirit within… the Spirit upon Part 3

This lesson finishes up our segment in this series about the Holy Spirit UPON us.

We take a slow look at Jesus’ words in John 14-16 regarding the Spirit within and the Spirit upon and find again the the Spirit upon is for being a living witness or testimony to Jesus WITH the Holy Spirit.

We concluded in 1 John which simply drives the point home.

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Spirit within upon

The Spirit within… the Spirit upon Part 2

Today we continue learning about the foundation of our relationship with the Holy Spirit. That there is a clear and obvious difference between the reception of the Holy Spirit within the heart of the believer at salvation and the subsequent event of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit which empowers us as witnesses of Jesus and the Kingdom of God.

The scriptures we cover today are Acts 11; 15; 18 & 19.

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Psalms David Saul Resurrection

Psalms 15-20

In these Psalms David ponders who can approach God and dwell in His presence. He concludes that this is for those whose character is like His.

He also has prayers and statements regarding God’s protection from his enemies – one of which was Saul. He shows great confidence in God’s response and bases his confidence on both God’s faithful love and his own uprightness. He had determined not to defend himself or seek personal vindication, but was handing all of this over to the Lord to do on his behalf. In his Psalm he records how he envisions God coming to his defense out of anger against David’s enemies. The imagery has God appearing in thick dark clouds with lightning bolts in hand. Yet in tenderness scooping up David and placing him in a place of safety all around.

David also uses the light and heat of the moon and sun respectively to illustrate how God’s words (both spoken and gleaned by experiencing the natural world) are clear for all to see. Then explains the specific benefits to be gained by the statutes, testimonies, precepts, instructions as well as the fear of the Lord.

This Psalm also has a prophetic set of verses which both Peter and Paul confirm under the New Covenant applied to Jesus’ resurrection.

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