This begins the 4th division within the greater book of Psalms.
It starts off with a the only known Psalm by Moses who composed it in the wilderness in response to God’s wrath at Israel’s unwavering unfaithfulness. Moses acknowledges God’s power, eternal nature and sovereignty. He openly admits Israel’s failings but nevertheless cries out to God for a return of His mercies.
Psalm 91 is well known among Christians as a Psalm of God’s protection. However, this Psalm makes it clear that His protection is towards those who abide with Him, are lovingly devoted to Him and who know His name. It is an Old Covenant promise which still has some implications for those under the New Covenant.
Psalm 92 is an interesting Psalm for the Sabbath and has to be read in that context or you will miss its direction and meaning.
Finally Psalm 93 is simply a brief but exaltant praise of God – His power, majesty and eternal nature. In this way it addresses the key points Paul makes in Romans 1.
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