Concerning Prayer 09-09-12

Podcast: Download (29.8MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Lesson: 1st Principles.mp3 Color coded topics below: Olive green – is always scripture. Red – is concerning sin. Teal – is God’s Character. Overview: This is a new class we are offering in place of Sunday School. This is quite a departure for us who have grown up with traditional “Sunday Schools” all of our lives. Not that there has ever been anything particularly “traditional” about our church, but loosing the name alone is a type of fresh start. In this class we are exploring the topic of prayer. Prayer in its purest and in fact only […]

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Sunday Main – Special Whole Group Session

Podcast: Download (46.6MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Freedom from/Freedom to:  Freed to Love – Special Whole Group Session.mp3    References used: II Tim. 3:1-9   Review: We discussed: The comparison between Jesus and Timothy in how they dealt with grief and sorrow. We also saw how Paul’s encouragement toward Timothy pulled him out of this state the same way Jesus came out of His. What defines our value. The difficulty of knowing academically who I am, but still not believing beyond the image in the mirror. How true spiritual growth is measured.

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08-26-12 Sunday Main

Podcast: Download (51.3MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS     Freed to Love XII.mp3 Stir it up! – PDF Key Texts: I Jn. 4:18, 19; Deut. 30:6 References used: II Thess. 3:5 Isa. 14:12-17 I Peter 5:6-11 Acts 13:10 Eph. 4:25-30 Eph. 6:10-20 II Tim. 2:24-26 James 4:4-10 Jn. 8:44 Isa. 58:1-4 II Tim. 3:1-9 II Tim. 1:2-14 II Cor. 2:10,11       Review: Last week we introduced 3 ways in which we are free to love or more specifically, three expressions of love we have been set free to express and live out in our lives. “Freed to Love” …how?: In […]

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