08-12-12 Sunday Main

Podcast: Download (41.9MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS     Addressing Small Group Topics.mp3       Stir it up! – PDF       Key Texts: I Cor. 12 Rom. 12 I Peter 4:10 Matt. 25:15-28 Overview: This week instead of pressing forward into the topic of Freedom to Love, I felt impressed of the Lord to touch on a few topics which came up in small groups on the first of the month. Predominate in the topics I wanted to address was stewardship of your grace gift. It was mentioned ever so briefly in Rob & Michelle’s group on Sunday last. […]

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07-29-12 Sunday Main

Podcast: Download (54.5MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS   Up until now – Faith, Hope & Love (a Review) Pt. 5.mp3   Stir it up! – PDF Key Texts: Gal. 5:13 Deut. 30:6 II Thess. 3:5 I Jn. 4:16, 19 Overview: Give me time to do this…   Review: ….and this

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07-22-12 Sunday Main

Podcast: Download (5.0MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS     Up until now – Faith, Hope & Love (a Review) Pt. 4.mp3 Stir it up! – PDF Key Texts: Gal. 5:13 Deut. 30:6 II Thess. 3:5 I Jn. 4:16, 19 Overview: The shepherds thought it was a good idea to do a review of everything covered since January of this year. Six months is a relatively short passage of time, yet in that time we have covered MUCH ground. We began this week remembering why we started this series of Freedom from / Freedom to, by visiting Gal. 5:13. We recalled that because […]

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