In this session we are continuing to learn more about our relationship/partnetship with the Holy Spirit in ministry.
The Corinthian church fell sort in no gift, but were very immarture Christians. Paul addresses all manner of disciplinary issues to this church before addressing their zeal for Spiritual Gifts which they excercised with little to no guidance or maturity – seeking to be seen more than to edify the church.
In Chapter 14 Paul bears down on this expression of immaturity and explains that if one is truly being led by the Spirit of God, there will be order in their assemblies. Paul presses limits on the expression of the gifts and the need to each be used IN TURN rather than all at once. Again the major focus being edification rather than confusion.
I truly hope this lession will aid you not only in better understanding order in the church in the expression of the gifts, but even more importantly in coming to better know the Spirit of God with Whom we partner in the work of the ministry of the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ!
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