Spirit Kingdom

The Spirit & the Kingdom

One day a scribe asked Jesus what is the greatest commandment of all.

Jesus said that to Listen to God with the intent of obeying out of our deep reverence for Him, to love Him with all we are and to love our neighbor as ourselves were the greatest commands of all.

The scribe readily agreed and added that such was greater than all sacrifices and burnt offerings.

Jesus replied to him, “You are not far from the Kingdom of God”.

Today we began to explore these commands, the heart behind them and the way the Holy Spirit enables the keeping of them that we might be partakers and participants in God’s kingdom!

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Dwell in the land and feed on His Faithfulness

This brief run of Davidic Psalms in from Book I contain, laments, wisdom literature and even prophecy (an oracle). They touch on the most vulnerable and sometimes unfair aspects of life. Throughout the encourage an approach to difficulties and adversity which while not denying our troubles, looks to God in faith and hope for Him to BE our answer.

One of the most practical and useful bits of wisdom found in these chapters is to dwell where God has planted you, keep your attention on doing good – not on if others are being good to you, and in the place God planted you, you will experience the faithfulness of God!

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Spirit Edification Order Women

The Spirit brings Edification & Order – Part 2

In this session we are continuing to learn more about our relationship/partnetship with the Holy Spirit in ministry.

In this portion of Chapter 14 Paul bears down on the order and authority God established from creation and which MUST be observed by His children in all places, but in the church especially.

It is imperative to always come to God’s word without a bias and to say AMEN to ANYTHING He says PRIOR to beginning your study. Without this reverence for God, His word and His absolute sovereignty over His creation we open ourselves up to twisting the scriptures to our own agendas.

Perhaps this, more than most issues in scripture is a primary example of the need for this type of caution since it addresses issues of gender and authority.

I truly hope this lession will aid you not only in better understanding order in the church in the expression of the gifts, but even more importantly in coming to better know the Spirit of God with Whom we partner in the work of the ministry of the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ!

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Answer Prayer

He IS the answer to the prayers we pray

Like many Davidic Psalms, we find David possessing a very personal relationship with God. In every season and circumstance in his life, David’s prayers were not for God to just do something FOR him. Instead, David’s prayers took on a more relational tone by asking God to BE hishelper, Be his strong tower, BE his refuge…etc.

This approach to prayer is also seen in another – namely Jesus our Messiah and Lord Who prayed with intimacy and devotional love.

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